The Republic of Freedom Fighters

I found it pretty hard to find information on the band, other than the actual releases. It seems they were only around for a year or two, all their releases occurred in 1996.I found them incredibly melodic, and sort of experimental type of emo. I guess another way to describe experimental emo would be to say it had post-rock influences… It was very atmospheric.

I’m not sure which order these came, but their self-titled full-length came out on The Mountain Cooperative Records, and they had 3 splits. One 7″ with Render Useless on Buddy System Records, one 7″ with Twenty Seven Hours on Fall Empire Records, and finally a 8.5″ vinyl split with Third World Planet on Diminutive Records.

I’d love to hear some new stories about these guys. Hit me up!

The Republic of Freedom Fighters Discography